Rix & Fifi: Sisters in Crime

What do you do when you're far from your sister and can't easily complain about people and work, quote movies incessantly, and gossip about celebrities?

A) Eat chocolate chip ice cream.

B) Watch movies like Bridget Jones's Diary or Mulan, or TV like Arrested Development or Sex & the City or Law and Order: SVU.

C) Read Meg Cabot and Janet Evanovich books.

D) Go to this blog and look at fun pictures and be all sisterie.

Please. Obviously, all of the above.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I had no idea that we were so inquisitive! Now that I look back on it though... we really are. Those two peeps really seem to GET us.

We're inquisitive

Hola Hermana,
If you read the comments on the last post (or maybe second to last post) you will find that mattwarner and mandyfriew/alotofnumbers find us "inquisitive." And their messages are both so original. Wow!!